Australia – Australian Journalists’ Association (1994)

Australian Journalists’ Association Code of Ethics 1994.

Each member of the Australian Journalists’ Association is bound by its rules to observe this Code of Ethics in his employment: 

1. To report and interpret news with a scrupulous honesty.

2. Not to suppress essential facts nor distort the truth by omission or wrong or improper em-phasis.

3. To respect all confidences received by him in the course of his calling.

4. To observe at all times the fraternal obligations arising from his membership of the Asso-ciation and not on any occasion to take unfair or improper advantage of a fellow member of the Association.

5. Not to allow his personal interests to influence him in the discharge of his duties, nor to accept or offer any present, gift or consideration, or benefit or advantage of whatsoever kind that may have the effect of so benefiting him.

6. To use only fair and honest means to obtain news, pictures and documents.

7. Always to reveal his identity as a representative of the press before obtaining any personal interview for the purpose of using it for publication.

8. To do his utmost to maintain full confidence in the integrity and dignity of the calling of a journalist.

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