Macedonia – Codex of Macedonian Journalists (1997)

Codex of Macedonian Journalists, adopted in Skopje, August 1997

Journalists are obliged:
1. To conduct themselves according to ethics and professional standards and the inviolable right of the public to be accurately, promptly, objectively and completely informed.

2. To defend the principle of freedom of gathering information and publishing it, as well as defending the confidentiality of sources if this is requested.

3. Not to distort information by deliberate selection or by misrepresentation.

4. Not to undertake anything that intrudes on private pain and grief.

5. Not to create, nor to alter materials that stand in contradiction to human rights and civil freedom, nor to encourage racial, national or religious discrimination, and refraining from unnecessary comment on non-legitimacy, marital or extra-marital status, gender or sexual orientation.

6. Not to abuse the advantage of received information before it is placed in the public domain.

7. Always to protect the civilized background of the publicly spoken word, respecting the dignity of different opinions, and working against primitivism in public communications.

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